
I need help with my Easyshare Z740 Camera settings

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I'm fairly new at photography and I want to take some behind the scenes pictures of my sisters wedding coming up.

I've been told to use ISO 400, F2.8, 1/60 M for the settings and I want to know if that is close to accurate for an indoor wedding. I would love to have the pictures come out looking decent, with the subjects sharp and the background just slightly blurred. I don't have any of the professional extras, just the basic flash and the desire to take a nice picture.

I intend on using a tripod the whole time and I don't want to mess this up.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!




  1. For you camera, you should either use the Aperture priority setting, or the Portrait setting.

    Aperture Priority:

    Set your Mode dial to PASM.

    Set to A, aperture priority, use a large aperture (small number).

    Or Portrait mode:

    Set dial to Portrait mode (profile of woman icon)

    Which does the same thing as above, but it automatically chooses a

    large aperture and fires the flash as a fill.

    The Kodak Support page for the Easyshare Z740 can be found here:

    It has a user's manual and other good info.

  2. I would agree using an iso of 400 for inside shots and using a wide aperture of 2.8 for allowing more light into the camera it will also reduce your depth of field which will blur the background. But I would not agree with the shutter speed for two reasons. One because it is a slower shutter speed you run a greater risk of your subjects showing some movement blur. Two with your higher iso and wider aperture there is a good chance your shots will be over exposed at that shutter speed setting. I would suggest that you set the camera up in the aperture priority mode set your aperture at 2.8 and the camera will automatically set your shutter speed for you. Don't be afraid to experiment with your settings do some practice shots and see the difference that each setting makes. Good luck hope all goes well.

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