
I need help with my autobiography!?

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i got no idea what to write about.. any ideas??????





    When writing an autobiography, you focus on three major things: who you are in life, what life means to you and what your outlook on the future is.

    "Autobiographies have been written since A.D. 400 when an early Christian leader, Saint Augustine, wrote his." An autobiography is information about one's own life written by that one person. In it, it tells what that person's life is all about. When writing your own autobiography, use interesting facts to explain as much about yourself as you can.

    The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about your life; for example, when and where you were born, where you live (city and state), where you go to school and who you live with. You have to give a lot of information so your reader can clearly understand what is going on. Once you have written this introduction, you are ready to start your first paragraph of the autobiography.

    Who you are in life?

    The best way to start an autobiography is to state your name. When you are writing this paragraph, you usually explain the type of person you are; use facts about yourself such as: have you won any awards? What types of awards have you won? Did you finish school? Do you plan on going to college?

    What life means to you?

    This is now your second paragraph. In this paragraph you should state how you see life--what does life mean to you. Are you happy or sad? Do you have a lot of friends or just a few? How do you make your school days go by? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What are your favorite places to go on dates? How long have you been dating? If you are involved in a relationship, do you think it will last forever?

    What is your outlook on the future?

    In this paragraph you should explain what you think the future will be like. Pick a year and explain how it will be but explain it through your eyes. Where will you be? How will you be living? Will you be married? Will there be any kids? Who will you be married to? What is he/she like? How long will you have been together?


    The conclusion is the last paragraph of your autobiography and an important one, too. In the conclusion you usually try to re-word the introduction and add some type of closure to bring the whole autobiography together.

    Oh, here is a really long arcticle on it. It should defidently help.


    Hope it helps! ♥

  3. write about yourself

    name age when you were born

    about your liffe

    friends family

    what you like doing


  4. Write about something that defines you - your name, the color of your hair, the style of your shoes, your favorite subject in school, your favorite hobby, the relationship you have with your step-sister, etc. Those things probably don't sound that interesting to you, but if you pick something and explain how it relates to your character as a whole it gives a lot of personal insight and it's a personal, charismatic, and interesting way of talking about yourself.

    Obviously those examples won't necessarily work for you - but you could try writing a list of things you know people associate with you.

    Or, you could write about embarrassing moments that shaped your life (story of MY life :), how your family has shaped your long-term goals, or how your aspiration in life is to travel to Peru to study ants... and everything else in your life is just a stepping stone for that one goal.

    I know those examples sound a bit eccentric - but things like that make an autobiography fun to write and interesting to read. :) You'll have to think about yourself from outside of your own perspective to appreciate your quirky qualities - because to you they're just normal!

    Good luck!

    PS A few general writing tips...

    * try starting every sentence within a paragraph with a different word

    * try a stark entrance to the essay with a short, bold beginning to catch  the audience's attention (have you ever seen the movie The Jerk?)

    * any time you see the verb "to be" being used (am, is, are, were, was,  etc.) try replacing it with a more vibrant verb

    * to proofread your paper read it one sentence at a time from end to beginning

  5. pick someone that not a lot of people know about, such as an inventor. they may know that the product was invented, but know nothing on the person who invented it. Say the inventor of post-its, or something weird like that.

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