
I need help with my balhandling skills?

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i need some drills to help me get better with my ballhandling. im a HS PG and cant even handle the ball that well!




  1. Why play pg then?

  2. do this if your serious about getting better at dribbling:

    Do these drills with wrist weights and gloves.

    Backwards Dribble Running - 1 minute- dribble while running backwards.

    Windmill Around Legs w/dribble - 1 minute- dribbling between legs in a windmill type motion.

    V-dribble between legs -1 minute between each leg-dribble between one leg fora minute then switch legs

    Dribble Behind Back - 1 minute- dribble behind your back

    Defense Dribble - 2 sets of 50 dribbles with each hand- in a crouch position like you are under pressure with your guide hand up to keep defenders away dribble low and hard as fast as possible

    Figure Eight Dribble - 1 minute- while walking dribble between your legs

    1 minute rest

    Pound 1, 2, Crossover - 1 minute each hand- dribble twice then crossover and repeat then switch the hand you do the pound 1,2 in

    Spider Dribble - 2 minutes

    Side V Dribble - 1 minute on each side- like the yo-yo dribble with the ball at your side dribble back and forth

    Front V Dribble - 1 minute with each hand- same only in front side to side Between the Legs Behind the Back - 1 minute each direction - dribble between your leg and then immediately behind your back then switch the leg you are dribbling between.

    Dribble with Right Hand two minutes dribble with left hand two minutes.

    1 minute rest

    Windmill Around Legs w/o Dribble -1 minute each direction- around your legs in a windmill motion without dribbling then switch directions

    CirclesAround Head - 2 sets of 50 each direction

    Circles Around Waist - 2 sets of 50 each direction

    Circles Around Ankles - 2 sets of 50 each direction

    Circles Around Individual Leg - 2 sets of 50 each direction 1 minute rest

    Fingertip Taps in Front of Body - 50 taps- stick your arms out and tap the ball back and forth repeatedly

    Crossed Leg Circle Dribbles - 1 minute- sit crossed legged and dribble around your body

    Different Strokes - 1 minute each way- kneel down trying to dribble as low and fast as possible, first dribbe with both hands, then pinkies, then ring fingers, then middle fingers, then pointer fingers, then thumbs, then karate chops, then with the back of your hands, then fists

    Sit on a chair dribble under 1 leg then the other then both then like hot sauce in vol 3 with circles - 3 minutes

    Laid Back Dribble - 1 minute- lay down and dribble behind your head

    Walking Reverse Crossover Dribble - 1 minute- walk and dribble under your leg to the other side and repeat

    Dead Ball - do drill 15 times with each hand- while kneeling place the basketball in front of you on the ground then with your right hand hit the basketball with the back of your hand causing the ball to bounce up then with your palm try to get the ball to dribble

    Lights OuT Dribbling - 3 minutes- dribble in a dark room and do all the moves you can think of

    Do the same drill but with no gloves or weights - 5 minutes

    Do this workout 5 times a week

    Try and always keep tapping on something

    Pick out a move on one of the mixtapes and or nike commercial and try to master it as best as you can try to master a new move each week

    Also try to carry a tennis ball or basketball wherever you go and dribble around with

  3. well first you should suck the balls, then fondle them...oooh basketball you meant! Just practice practice practice. Take time to just dribble and not even shoot. Spend like an hour a day on just dribbling. Take the ball wherever you go and pretend its your baby


    hey big guy  try out this site  full of info   youll be like a globe trotter in no time

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