
I need help with my bat mitzvah

by Guest59155  |  earlier

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were do i look for stuff? anything that can help i need a lot of help and can i do it at the age of 11?




  1. im not jewish but i know bat mitzvahs are for boys at age 13 and i am  roman cathoilc.

  2. some people are such idiots youre bat mitzvah is your 12 hebrew birthday you can have a bat mitzvah party at youre 11 birthday but that wont be your bat mitzvah  and what do you mean look for stuff obviously you barely know what a bat mitzvah is are you even jewish    

  3. If you are Jewish look here If not then do not worry about it, non-Jews do not have a bat mitzva.  

  4. Are you even Jewish?   Do you go to a synagogue?  

    If you're Jewish, you will become a bat mitzvah at the age of 12-13 (different communities have different standards for girls), whether you have a ceremony or not.  If you're not Jewish, you're not obligated to observe the mitzvot, so having one would be meaningless.

    I suggest you get in touch with your local rabbi - they will help you with everything you need to know and do to have a bat mitzvah service at their synagogue.  It's possible your family may need to become members of the synagogue to host the ceremony there.  

    I would send you to a website, but with the amount of knowledge it looks like you're lacking on the subject, I think you would be far better off getting help in person at the very beginning.  A rabbi will be able to teach you what you need to know, answer your questions, and be there to support you far better than any book or link.  Many synagogues even have classes, so you can learn along with other kids your age.

    If you need help finding a synagogue, post where you live (not too much info, just the town you live in - or the state if you'd rather stay more private) and I can try to look one up for you.

  5. IF your a boy then you cant do it until your 13 but girls can do it at 12. All you need to do is type in what your looking for and a lot of sites will come up. I suggest you get your parents to help you though.

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