
I need help with my blackberry pearl media?

by Guest67056  |  earlier

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i recently bought a blackberry pearl from AT&T and i want to buy a micro SD media card for it, but im a little confused.

i read on one website that with the card you can save movies, songs, tv shows and pictures to watch/listen to on your blackberry, is this true?

also, does anyone know how much these cards normally cost and where i can buy one?




  1. You can buy it from your nearest ATT store or online from the ATT website. Here it is:

    You can save movies, or tv shows. You can listen to songs and save pictures and ringtones on the media card.

  2. yes you can do all of that with the card. with out it you can only save 20 pictures i think.

    buy your card from AT&T or blackberry i bought one after market and when i got it, it didn't fit. my friend bought a 2 gig for a $100

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