
I need help with my cadillac doesn't get power to engine or transmission starts up good?

by Guest67133  |  earlier

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i have a 1995 cadillac concourse and i bought it a month ago and i got ripped off so i need to get it working first it starts up and idles good but when i put it in gear it takes time to get moving and it wont go up a hill it starts to bogg out then turns off. when it accelerates it shifts hard and i took it on the highway once and i only felt it shift once so i freaked out i havent moved the car since im scared to i dont want to mess up the engine or tranny worst then what it is already. i really need help so any info is helpful thanks




  1. Your tranny module could be bad ,you should see it on the side of the tranny  (passenger side) it should have a small hose hooed on the end of it , pull the hose off and see if fluid runs out of it and if it dose ,then you need to replace it. The module it what helps it to shift. You might just have a dirty transmission filter ,that needs to be replaced. I tell you what , they have a good transmission additive that's called      SEA FOAM be sure to get the can for transmission and not the one for the engine oil.You just need to pour the whole can into the tranny ,then let it runs until it gets good and warm.The just let it set for a day or two then try it out and see if it works .

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