
I need help with my car situation! my car sucks?

by  |  earlier

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Im in high school, and once i have my full license im gonna inherit a 1995 honda civic hatch back from my older brother.

I want a better car though.

I'll have a little over 2000 in the back by the end of summer.

Should I try to put some work into it and make the engine better?

Or any suggestion for a cool or fast new car i should get?

I dont know anything about engines, so it costs more to have mechanics install stuff right?




  1. Go to your local auto parts store and buy a Chilton repair manual for it, like 20 bucks. it will show you how to fix almost anything on the car.

  2. yes it costs lot more  to have a mechanic do it.  My suggestion, and this is just my opinion is, take the Honda and keep it for a while. I mean it is your first car and your lucky to get one just handed to you.  And Honda's are known to be good cars so depending on the condition of the body and interior it may be worth fixing up.  But if I were you I would keep the Honda as is (it is a 95) and continue to put your money away for your own hard earned car.  And I think that will make you feel slot better to because it will be YOURS and not someone Else's car that was giving to you.  And then you could have something you really want instead of rushing into fixing up this older car , just because you want a fast good looking car right now.  Trust me it will be worth it in the end!!!

  3. Why don't you just wait untill you get the car. You might like it just the way it is.

  4. Another one of those SPOILED kids who thinks you should start out with a new BMW, MERCEDES................UJN

  5. Dude!

    A Civic is a d**n good car to have right now.

    What's your problem with it?

    Save the two grand for gas. Your gonna need it.

    Forget about speed.

    The new 'good car` gets MPG.

  6. Take a look into the classics MBs ( 190E ) you will enjoy the car and acquaintance cost is not crazy.

  7. Yes, a good mechanic can easily cost you $50-$100+ an hour, depending on where you live and how well trained or specialized they are.  And that's just for labor, no parts included.

    Unfortunately, for $2000, you aren't going to get much in the way of 'cool' or 'fast new'.  With gas prices how they are, cars and more fuel efficient vehicles are being snapped up fast by people who can no longer afford their trucks and SUVs.

    You'll have better luck looking in the paper and going to look at some cars from individuals to see what's available in your price range rather than going to one of the older used car lots.  The car lots buy them cheap and mark them up, so while they might charge you $2000 for the car, they only paid $600 for it.

    If you do decide to buy something else, remember to budge enough to cover the sales tax that you'll have to pay when you license it, as well as licensing and registration fees.

    If the Honda is in good condition and useable, I would take that and drive it and continue to save money towards something that you'll enjoy more.  If driving that for a year to save more money is the difference between getting a car now that you can settle for, and getting something else in a year that you really like, I'd definitely go for the one you'd really like.

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