I have a 3 year old domestic short-hair cat, we'll call him "s". I got him as a present from my fiance when he was just a baby kitten (10 weeks old.)
He used to pee on everything, and I worked with him to stop doing it (gave him his own room with litter box and positive reenforcement when he uses the litter box)
I have spent the last three years trying to love & nurture him to the best of my ability. I attempt to play with/pet him every day and he HATES all people. me, my fiance, anyone who has ever come to our house. Sometimes he just howls really loudly during the day at night etc.
I have another cat that I got three months previous at the same age and he has grown into the best cat ever, friendly and goes to the bathroom, loves to come say hi when either of us get home from work, etc, and we have treated them exactly the same. They are best friends which makes it really hard to consider anything.
I was separating the laundry today and put the duvet cover on the ground for a minute before putting it in the washer and s walked over to it and peed all over it. He has been neutered since he was just old enough to get neutered, so it doesn't make sense that he would be spraying. I had just cleaned both litter boxes this morning.
I don't know what to do!!!!!!!! I can't take him peeing on stuff anymore and the howling & hating all people etc. Please suggestions.