
I need help with my cat!!!!?

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I have a 10 month old cat who we adopted form the humane society last Thanksgiving. He is great, friendly, affectionate, knows his name, knows how to sit, comes when called. But i have a very big problem. he is constantly jumping on the counters, knocking things down, taking things off the counters. I have tried a squirt bottle, making loud noises, shoving him off the counter. I don't know what to do. He has broken countless dishes, hidden my wedding rings, eaten bags of dog treats....the list goes on.

Does anyone know what i can do to keep my cat off the counters? I love him but I am at my wits end, i don't want to get rid of him but I am so frustrated, and would like some help from experienced cat owners. Thank you so much!!




  1. ive have alot of cat what you should do is yell at him loud and say "NO OFF THE COUNTER!" and if he doesnt listen either tap his nose GENTLY cause cats noses are sensitive its like a spanking or just take him off

  2. My cat would do this only when we were not home, therefore, we discovered it was her way of protesting her loneliness to us.  Can you leave a radio on with low volume?  My cat learned when we firmly said "NO" what was expected of her.  She knows how to sit, give us her paw, play floor ping pong, fetch a ball, open a bi-fold door.  If you are willing to your extend your love and invest your time and attention your pet will bring you greater rewards.   Reward her for good deeds with her favorite treat and praise.  They truly are smart!  Enjoy your pet.

  3. well this might help on keeping him off the counter

    well there are this sticky strips that i used to use to stop my cat from scratching the furniture and it really helps and it might help to keep your cat off the counter because cats hate sticky things  

  4. Counter jumping can be a real issue with cats. I should say their owners because cats like to jump.  I have taught my two cats not to jump using water and praise.  Below are some websites I found in Yahoo search - "cat jumping on the counters"

    All the Best.

  5. we adopted to cats also and they love the counters and table. our neighbor told us to put a bunch of duct tape on it while you're gone or not using it and after a while you're kitty should get the hint. I'm not sure how it will work because one of my cats still does it. but all wishes to u!

  6. he's bored. Don't squirt him anymore or he'll end up hating you. Just take him off whenever you see him on the counters and find something fun for him to do. Like a feather toy. Also, give him a high place he is allowed to jump up on, like those tall carpet towers..

  7. First, move everything off the counters. That will stop the breaking problems and save you some money in the meantime. Second, consistency is the key. That means that every time he does ANYTHING wrong, you grab your water bottle, use your outside NO and go after the cat. EVERYONE has to use the same method. Training cats is similar to training dogs and children. Repetition and consistency. Cats, like children, figure out fast that if "Mommy" says no, just go to dad. Same problem you are having their. You are probably the only one trying to discipline the cat. Result? Cat waits until Mommies not around and does it any way. Now, it sounds like your main area for concern is the kitchen. Simple, close the doors when you aren't in there to supervise him.

    Surely you have a room in some part of your house that has a door the cat hasn't figured out how to open yet. When you aren't home, put him in his room and then let him out when you get home. Yes, he will cry and fuss, but the idea is that you need to protect your property, and since kitty will do everything he isn't supposed to when you aren't there, well......

    I know your pain. I have a 15 month old Bombay who gets everywhere and does things he isn't supposed to. My fiance thought it was funny. Result, whenever I was around the cat was an angel, but when I left the room, right back to the bad kitty behavior. Result, I threw the Fiance out and haven't had nearly as much troubles with the cat. Now that he has consistent discipline and rules, he behaves much better.

    Now if only I could get him to stop shredding my paper towel rolls.....

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