I used to have 10 chickens and a turkey, then 2 went missing from inside of the coop.......no evidence but a small hole and I don't think the chicken could fit through there. The last week I've decided to let them free range. They never, ever go near 10 feet away from their coop. I left this morning for a few hours and came back and all of them were missing except my turkey and he was in the tree. I think somebody is taking them. Every once in a while somebody on a quad comes pretty close to the coop. Coops by our property line.
What can I do to make them safer?
I don't have the money to get a security system (some people use this), and I can't afford much now. The coop is all wire held together by 2x4's and has an attached small house. I can't leave them cooped up in there all day. Any ideas on what I should do?
I want to let them free range. Thanks!