
I need help with my contacts?!?!?

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This is my first time trying contacts and i was wondering if u put ur contact in the wrong way like the oppisite side would there be any difference between the correct way? please help.




  1. you mean "inside out"?...believe me, if it is inside out you will know cuz it hurts like its scratching your eyeball out.

  2. duhh. && plus it whuddnt fit. it would like

    pop off your eye/

  3. yes one way has pointer edges and the other way looks like a bowl

    the bowl way is the way to go because it fits your eye

    the other way doesnt work it wont fit right and will irritate your eye

  4. yes, it will feel weird and be really irritating. And it would most likely pop out if you itched your eye or blinked too much.

    So put it in the right way :D

  5. yup i have contacts and if you put it in the wrong side your eyes start to sting and get red. (you can what sides is wich by look at it and if it looks like a bowl its the wrong side)

  6. huh

  7. yea it will hurt!

  8. yeah, the wrong way wouldn't be comfortable. You'll be able to feel the difference. It's not going to hurt you, it'll probably just pop out.

  9. yea make sure the rounded part is up when your putting it in so it goes in that way unless it will burn like crazzzzzzy

  10. It does not matter which way it has the "cup" shape. You will see the same either way. However, many times doctors give a different prescription for each eye, so do not confuse your right or your left. I hope that helped you a little. GOOD LUCK :)!!!

  11. They say that the side that doesn't flare up is the correct way to put them in, but I don't think there is any difference. I've had contacts for years now. And I've never been able to tell the difference.  

  12. no it will be perfectly fine:)

  13. Yes there is a correct way.There should be blue (that you can notice,that goes around you pupil)Thats the part you put on your eye

  14. is it possible to put it in the wrong way? because its curved to fit your eye(if you know what i mean) i don't THINK it makes a difference which way you place it in talk to your opticians about it for more info!

  15. yes.  it will most likely move around when you blink or when you turn your head.  your vision will look blurry if it's flipped.  

  16. if you put it inside out, then it will feel like you hav dirt in your eyes, and you will scratch it and get an eye infection,


  18. Nope, no difference. If we had to be able to tell which side to put on our eyes, it'd be a nightmare! Contacts are flexible and are going to flip and curl and bend, so there would be no guaranteeing you'd put the correct side on your eye each time. Contacts are the same, through and through...front and back.

  19. yes. If you put your contacts in inside out then it hurts REALLY bad. Fortunately I to tell if it is right or not. If it is sorta rounded and looks like a cup then it is good. If it is kinda straight and looks kinda like a saucer then it is wrong and will hurt.

  20. the way you figure if its inside out is you put it on your finger. if its the right way the sides will curve in like a bowl. if its inside out the curve out. It wont really make a difference but if they are inside out they can be uncomfortable and fall out easier. when you put them in get rid of air bubbles by rolling your eyes around. and when you take them out dont pinch just put your finger on the contact and slide them out. Make sure you wash your hands

  21. lmfaoo well weni first had contacts it took 45 minutes for one eye and 5 for the other...

    ermm well in a sense it kiinda does.

    cusz then you'll feel kiinda uncomfortable and it'll irritate ure eyes even more.

    and remember whenputting them on...look up, and gently slide it towards ure pupil.  

  22. Yes it will feel uncomfortable if you put it in backwards, but it's no biggie.

    Try this:  fold the contact gently and if it folds in like a taco, you're putting it on the right way.  I don't know how to explain it without pictures.... If you fold it and the sides bend out, then it's backwards.  Try it both ways and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.

  23. yes there would be a would be like putting on ur pants inside out. for the contacts if its the right way then it would be more rounded but if its the wrong way then the edges would be curved outward.

  24. lol when i first got my contacts i though there was no diffrents but when ever i try putting it in the wrong way it wouldn't go on my eye and if i did get it in it hurt really badly. so if it gose flat on your finger try it the other way.


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