
I need help with my cousins going to my school!

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So here's the deal: i'm going into seventh grade with my friends. But my cousin,who's the same age is moving to my town and is now going to go to the same school as me. I know i shouldn't really mind. but when i go through pictures on my cell or camera with my friends they always think that she's really pretty. and she is. but I'm afraid she will steal my friends and get more attention with the boys. any help?




  1. stick close by her.. if boys like her, then since your family you might get noticed to .. and any new friends she gets, will eventually be yours too, and if your current friends leave you for her, then they are not real friends, but be positive.. something good could always happen

  2. grow up.  jealousy is a waste of your talents and energy.  you're not always going to be the prettiest or most popular, and there's plenty of everything to go around.

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