
I need help with my dark deck :)?

by  |  earlier

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Mad Dog Of Darkness (x3)

Mystic Tomato (x3)


Morphing Jar

Don Zaloog (x2)


Dark Magician of Chaos

Snipe Hunter

Rainbow Dark Dragon

Dark Horus

Dark Armed Dragon

Dark Crusader (x2)

Armageddon Knight (x2)

Obsidian Dragon


Ekibyo Drakmord

Heavy Storm

Soul Exchange

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mystic Plaza Storm

United We Stand

Axe Of Despair

Premature Burial

Giant Trunade

Nobleman of Crossout


Trap Hole

Torrential Tribute

Negate Attack

Mirror Force

Ultimate Offering

Widespread Ruin

Magical Arm Shield

Magic Jammer

Magic Cylinder

Call of the Haunted

Bottomless Trap Hole

Raigeki Break

Trap Jammer

Dark illusion

Total of 45 cards

Note: was considering getting some magic/trap cards that allow me to pick more cards from my deck If anyone knows some names of some good ones list them please

Thanks for the help, please leave your comments




  1. a good drawing card that works well in a dark deck is trade-in. (discard one level 8 monster to draw 2 cards)

    maybe try a deck like...


    1 dmagician of chaos

    1 sangan

    2 armageddon knights

    3 phantom of chaos

    3 dhero plasma

    2 dark grepher

    1 dhero dasher

    1 jinzo

    1 dark creator

    1 darklord zerato

    1 dd crow

    2 archfiend soldiers

    2 grave squirmers


    3 trade-in

    3 fires of doomsday

    1 brain control

    1 lightning vortex

    1 scapegoat

    1 reinforcement of the army

    1 heavy storm

    1 monster reborn

    1 mystical space typhoon

    1 smashing ground


    1 mirror force

    1 torrential tribute

    2 sakuretsu armor

    2 bottomless trap hole

  2. first of all ure note is stupid because uve got way 2 many traps nd sum of them r rubbish change them 4 sum better monsters but that is really it

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