
I need help with my driving. im 13 and i slice every time a hit a driver any advice on how to get rid of it?

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I need help with my driving. im 13 and i slice every time a hit a driver any advice on how to get rid of it?




  1. Some one said that if the ball starts straight and then goes right it's a swing path issue; however, I believe that ball flight is caused by an open club face.  An open face will case a wild slice that goes far to to the right.  A square club face with an over the top swing will start the ball left and it will fade pretty good to the right.  For most golfers it's the club face that is the problem.  Make sure you turn your wrists over.

  2. try turning your right hand over to the right more, making your grip stronger. this will encourage a draw

  3. Disreguard the standing too far away from the ball comment.

    If anything you are standing too close to the ball causing an out-in swing path which slices the ball.

    First you should watch you ball as flies. Does it go straight and then dart to the right? or does it go straight right? or a combo of both?

    If it starts to go straight and then tail right, your swing path is wrong but your club face at contact is correct and square.

    Your swing path is probably wrong.

    If youve played baseball, youve probably heard of "keeping the elbow up" well, you dont want to do that in golf. Im going to guess your swing is very vertical, as in your hands are behind your head as you are about to swing down on the ball.

    I want you to wrap the club around your body keeping the head of the club lower than usual, do not swing hard, just keep the club head low and not high.

    This is going to feel weird and eventually you will start to hook shots off the tee. By then though, you can eventually go farther vertical in your swing.

    Alot of this didnt make sense probably so email with any questions.

    advice on golf is like taking a prescription, a little at a time, if you take the whole bottle you die. So dont try to do all of these things so fast, go to the driving range where it doesnt matter if u suck.

  4. Heres the BEST TIP FOR YOU!  Instead of trying to fix 1000 different things that "could" be your problem, have someone watch you swing and hit a few balls to possibly point out your problem. Why do you think the pros have coaches.  A second pair of eyes can be a quick fix for possibly a small problem.  I sliced the ball for a long time till a guy said " hey, your not turning your hips through the swing" and in less than a minute it changed my game forever. I was throwing the club into the ball rather than swinging through the ball.

  5. obviously u havent been playing golf very long or u would know there is no way to get rid of a slice...just aim whatever direction u need to aim so ur ball gets where it needs to be after it finishes slicing...if you actually try to correct ur slice, you will get frustrated and want to kill urself...PS if you aim further in one direction and hope to play your slice, you will probably hit the ball perfectly straight...thats just how golf works...sorry

  6. Take it out of the bag.  Learn how to hit a 3-wood straight first and then move on to the driver.

  7. at the age of 13 you should be using a 5 wood off the tee , possibly 3wood with steel shaft . the driver is too long for you to hit at your age . you will regripping at the top of your swing . the club will contol you . try a round of golf with your 5 wood off the tee , you will hit more fairways , loose less golf balls . and gain more distance . do not bother having your driver shortened , waste of money , ruin good club . . in the summer use your three wood . your scores will drop more . when to hit 14 fairways , for three straight rounds try a 10 degree driver with a steel shaft . spend lot of time short game , you will know when it is driver time good playing

  8. Hey! I' ve been in the exact same situation, except I was 12 that time. I could hit pretty well on straight drives, maxing about 250. But, when it sliced I got about 200 right. I cured it though, and now I'm 13 and hit VERY consistently. I followed these simple steps. 1) Stand parallel to the line which you are planning to hit it. 2) When you swing, swing a little bit more towards "hooking" the ball. This counteracts the regular slice. 3) Keep your eyes on the ball throughout the whole swing, and pick up your head when you finish the swing. 4) Slowly watch and enjoy as you bomb a nice, straight drive down the fairway.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. Or you could always buy one of those counter-slice/hook drivers. =]

  9. There are several things you could be doing wrong.

    The first is that you could be standing too far away from the ball. If that is the case, you are hitting the ball off the end of the club head.

    The other possibility is the way you are swinging the club. If you are swinging it and twisting your wrists like a baseball swing, that is another way to slice it.

    Try swinging and bringing the club towards the target at the end of your swing. You can also find lessons at a local golf course, for a fairly cheap price, since you are only 13...

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