
I need help with my fish and Aquarium!

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My son's Black Moor fish has lost all of its color. It is now an orange color. Do you think it could have some kind of illness or maybe where not cleaning the tank correctly? Any suggestions...




  1. Unless you buy a Moor for a couple hundred dollars, most of them lose their color and turn gold.  The black Moor is a type of goldfish, if you didn''t know that.  It's perfectly normal.

  2. actually thats perfectly normal for that type of fish. there isnt a disease so no need to worry.

  3. matbe a normal stage in life

  4. The color probably faded. It happens a lot to fish. Get the fish specialized color enhancer food. That's what I do with my fish.  

  5. I had a black moor for eight years the last year it started turning orange. I talked to my favorite pet shop owner  and she told me that sometimes they just start changing color as they get older. they call them Golden Girls. It doesn't happen very often but it does happen. As long as it is healthy. eating right swimming properly and just looks normal. your fish will be fine. mine did not die from changing color about a year later it had a swim bladder problem that medicine did not cure. It was my favorite fish. My wife and I got it for our first pet right after we got married. so have fun with the color change and many years of enjoyment.  

  6. Your fish might have a disease...or it just might not be getting proper nutrition. Try changing the water and if that dont work then try the diet...and if none of them work....the fish is sick

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