
I need help with my flowers.......?

by  |  earlier

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I have some rose bushed, gardnia,sunflowers and daiseys. The plants looks really good and healthy but the flowers will start to open but will end up turning brown before completly blooming. What am I doing wrong? I water them appropriately and also fertilize them...thanks for any help




  1. Your soil may needs ph balancing.  Usually, and this is around soil I work with in Tx, I have to add acid.  I have used Miracle Grow Soil Acidifier.

    Something else you may try is adding bone meal to your soil, this is the stuff you buy in a box at the grocery store.  Not sure why but it helps all flowering plant, the flowers anyway.

  2. If you're watering them while the sun is out and nice and hot you could be burning them. Also fertilizer burns the flowers if you use them too much. Sometimes some flowers aren't tolerant of fertilizer. Try not using that for a while and wait til dusk to water. Good luck!

  3. My gardenias were doing this also. They could be getting too much water or not enough. Same for light, too much or not enough. Maybe look closer at the soil to see if it's getting enough water. And gardenias like lots of light but not direct sun and they also like humidity.

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