
I need help with my gerbil..?

by  |  earlier

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when i got my gerbil, it was supposed to be a boy, but I'm starting to think its a pregnant female.....i cant tell




  1. she will start to get fatter and drink and eat more the usaual and make a bigger nest and wen shes near dropping u wont c her for about a day or so go to a pet shop they will tell u if boy or girl  

  2. i really dont know :| im sorry dude but i found your question interesting though, but im sorry that i could not help, goodluck  

  3. i would be happy to have baby girbles ive bee trying to breed my mice for weeks and if she is preg feel her stimck if it is preety hard of she is getting pretty havy she is preg yay SAY YAY


  5. worried about taking care of your pets and pet care issues...

    refer to this website

    it has got tips and information on every aspect of pet care

  6. I have two male gerbils and one of them is much fatter than the other, and has been for over a year now. Also, my friend had a male gerbil who was so fat it looked like a miniature beaver!

  7. to s*x the gerbil-

    have you had this gerbil for more then 25 days.  if so its not pregnant. signs of a pregnant gerbil are: pear shaped right before birth, nesting more, and some irritability.  female gerbils usually are a little bigger then males.  are you feeding too many treats? sunflower seeds or any type of seed will cause them to be over weight.  mazuri foods good because they keep gerbils at a healthy weight.

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