
I need help with my golf swing?

by  |  earlier

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so basically my iron shots are going whack

at first, they went straight

but now, i'm hooking every iron shot.

i tried limiting my hip movement, but it didnt work

and i tried turning my chest faster

nothing is working!

please help!




  1. Go to a pro for a 10 minute lesson (or more) Most likely no one here knows what you are doing wrong, and they are just going to s***w you up more. Not trying to be mean or anything, its just your best bet.

  2. to reduce a hook a simple thing to do is to open your stance by moving your left foot a few inches infront of your right foot so the feet are not perfectly aligned. this causes you to push the ball out left when you come through the ball, it works for me.

    hope you resolve your problem and start hitting straigh again, good luck!

  3. The golf swing is with the shoulders, not with the arms.  Make sure your shoulders start your swing and the arms follow.  Keep your left arm straight and try to only bring the club back shoulder high until you are consistently hitting the ball straight. Bring the club down on the same line you took it back, your problem is that you are not on plane on your downswing.  Let your hands fall naturally at the start of your downswing.  Hope this helps.

  4. aim the other way

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