
I need help with my guinea pig

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I just got 2 piggys yesterday afternoon. they are still very scared...i have held them and played with them for prob like 30-60 min.

their cage has 2 lvls....the food and water is on the second lvl and 4 some reason they wont come up. so my dad put the food and water on the lower lvl. i put some hay on the latter half way up to see if they would creep up the stares(and i put most of the hay at the top) but i still havent seen them go up. they arnt even eating their pelletes...they might tonight...and i gave them strawberry and they didnt eat this normal?

also is it normal for the first couple of days for when i reach in the cage to get them they run away and start squeling?will they l8er just come to my hand when i put my hand in the cage?




  1. pigs are very nervous by nature and once they get used to you they'll calm down a bit but it'll take awhile just try talking to them a little bit everyday for awhile and not touching them then slowly start to pet them and hold them you don't want to overwhelm them by too much handling to fast, plus if just you feeds them they'll relize you are the one that gives them food and water and treats and they will associate you with food and when they see you they will have a possitive feeling torward you, i'v had mine for over a year and he still runs when i pick him up but he lets me pet him just remember there very nervous and it takes time but its normal and eventual they will love you as much as you love them, good luck

  2. First off, I would spend one-on-one time with each guinea pig. That way they get more used to you, rather than relying on each other.

    Try more fruits and veggies... Mine love apples and carrots. If they continue to not eat or drink call a vet.

    Also, try covering their cage with a thin blanket or sheet. Maybe they are just afraid to eat n' stuff because everything is new and they aren't used to it.

    Did you get them together? If not, put them is separate cages awhile (with a few visits from each other each day) until they get settled in a bit more.

    Hope this helped.

  3. It's normal for them to be scared. They are still trying to adjust themselves to a new home. Give them some time. Try to talk to them softly and hand feeding would help too. Don't try to pick them up right away or too often at the moment. I'd leave them alone for a day, so they can inspect the new environment and calm down. Be patient. It takes times for guinea pig to trust you. Don't worry, soon, they will be more friendly.

    Good luck!

    PS: Here's the link that you might find it useful (about guinea pig care)

  4. Maybe your Guinea Pigs don't like walking up the stairs to get to their food. If they still refuse to go up to the second level after a couple days you should try putting them on the second level and see what they do. If they climb down the stairs it might get rid of their fear of them. If they are still on the second level after about ten minutes you should just put them back on the first level and maybe think about buying a new cage with only one level.

    My sister has a Guinea Pig too and even though we have had him for more then a year he still runs into his little shelter every time we walk into the room, so maybe it will take some time before your Guinea Pigs trust you.

  5. it is normal for them to run away and squeal when u put ur hand in. they need a couple of days to get used to the cage and maybe try feeding ur piggy what the pet shop fed them that might help  

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