
I need help with my hermit crab please .hurry!?

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i ofcorse would love to give her a good enviroment but is there a easy way out she is a small painted hermit but she has no bowls no sponge all i do is poor the food on the floor andd when i give her water i put her in a container with a small amount of water i personally dont know what it needs i give her fruit and food but all she does is walk all over it a keep her in a shoe box how do i know if she is eating or drinking and how can a take care of her with that few of supplies?




  1. well get a hermit crab starterkit, and a nice home, and hermit crab food, but they dont live long, 1-3 months

  2. Got to your local pet store. You need to get hermit crab food. It looks like little pellets. Just ask the pet store clerk and they can help you find everything. You need to get a hermit crab cage too so it can breathe and feel at home. Get some little rocks to pour in the bottom of it or sand, that way you can get a little bowl and fill it with water and dig it into the sand or rocks to hold it steady, same thing with the food. I put my crab's food in a little seashell. Good Luck!

  3. Well, It can survive, but probably not very long and it probably doesn't like its living conditions.

    You should ask your parents if you could get one of those little Hermit Crab starter kits.

    Good luck.

    I wish you and your Hermit the best.

    -Tyler Petersen

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