
I need help with my history hw? ?

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What does the term refer to and why is it important to a study of world history?



Cave Paintings


Agricultural Transition (Revolution)

Specialized Labor


Neolithic Age

Paleolithic Age

Venus Figurines

Sympathetic Magic





  1. Pre-History - History of humankind in the period before recorded history. Known mainly through archaeological discoveries, study, research, etc.; history of prehistoric humans.

    History - the branch of knowledge dealing with past events.

    Cave paintings - [Cave or rock art] consists of engraved or painted works on open air rocks or on the floors, walls and ceilings of caves, some of them in deep and almost inaccessible crannies.

    Evolution - A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.

    Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

    The Agricultural Revolution - is the term used to describe the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering societies to settled agrarian societies.

    Specialized Labor - labor in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase the productivity.

    Slash and burn - Slash and burn consists of cutting and burning of forests or woodlands to create fields for agriculture or pasture for livestock, or for a variety of other purposes.

    Neolithic Age - latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the Middle East (but later elsewhere).

    Paleolithic Age - second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to 500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice age about 8,500 years BC.

    Venus figurines - are a fascinating art form, not because they are representations of necessarily fat goddesses, but because they appear again and again, over a period of 20,000 years and in a remarkable range of variation.

    Sympathetic Magic - The basic principle of sympathetic magic is that "like affects like." The paradigmatic example of sympathetic magic can be found in voodoo dolls - provided that a doll is made well enough to resemble the target and provided that it contains something important from the target, it should be possible for a skilled practitioner to affect the target in some way - usually negatively, by stickign needles in the doll and thus causing harm.

    The same principles of sympathetic magic can be found regularly in any number of supernatural and paranormal beliefs, betraying some common facet of human psychology which seems to be that people believe two similar objects either do or can have some greater, mysterious connection between them.

    metallurgy - The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores, purifying and alloying metals, and creating useful objects from metals.

  2. How to win friends and influence them a@@holes.

    This AFTER you are obviously pissed off because they called you on exactly what you are trying to do.

    We did our homework a long time ago - we're not going to do yours.

    Particularly with such a pathetic attitude. (I forgot "idiots.")

    If you're going to ask us to help you cheat - at least be polite about it. I reckon you'll have a great deal of difficulty on your final.

    If you bother to try - we WILL help you. We just won't DO it for you. We definitely won't do it for people who call us names.

    Navy man (Thank you), how on earth is she going to LEARN why you did what YOU did if she doesn't do her work herself?

    Please - no offense to you.

  3. Correction: You don't need help, just someone to do it for you.  

  4. ok, I'll bite. Links included(no wikipedia)

    pre-history may roughly be described as the period before stuff got written down.

    history-the study of the past what is written down-often subjective.

    cave paintings-well,  paintings in a cave, duh, most dating from pre history (stuff not written down, remember) usually the Upper Paleolithic period.

    evolution-stuff changes over time (kinda like your grandma) or evolves sometimes into something different.

    Agricultural Transition-the process wherein people moved from eating animals plus the occainsional fruit or nut to growing crops like wheat or corn thus having more stable food supply usually thought to have started in the Pleistocene Period, among other things. Not to be confused with .....

    Agricultural Revolution-wherein ongoing evolution of technology and general social practices  dramatically increased the food supply. Generally held to have occurred very late in the 1700's to early 1800's.

    Specialized Labor-also know as division of labor where people specialize in a given task. Like in football-quarter back, running back, lineman etc.

    slash and burn-when you want to turn a forest into cropland instead of cutting the whole thing down you slash an opening into it pile up what you just cut down, toss a match in and walk away. when the fire burns out-poof! instant farmland. still practiced today in some parts.

    The word Neolithic consists of two separate words, Neos=New and Lithos=Stone, blah, blah blah(see the link). This was the period where people started working in stone, with stone, and used stone and started to build buildings out of stone although pottery came along about then. Like the flintstones, only without the animation.

    Paleolithic Age-think pre-flintsones. the original stone age, pre dating  the neolithic where people used stone but not very well. and the folks back then weren't neccessarily people-neaderthals, Australopithecus, Hominin's and such pre human humans ran amuck(argh-well read the link then-it makes more sense.thplth.)

    venus figurines-pin ups from 27,000 years ago about which folks had formed a lot of theories that are somewhat interesting but impossible to prove. suffice to say that babeage was viewed quite differently back then and that some things will always remain a mystery.

    Sympathetic Magic-when you run into folks that get bent out of shape about evolution mention this to them and watch them foam at the mouth. sympathetic magic is an attempt at science without science(which is a good explanation of magic in general), the idea being that if you paint a successful hunt of a buffalo on a cave, you will then have a successful buffalo hunt. think of it the power of positive thinking for pre-history.

    metallurgy-the process of metal making. don't get me wrong, nobody was making battleships but it turns out that you don't need Detroit to make arrowheads and jewelry.

    don't sweat the unhelpfull answers that folks provide here sometimes.

    good luck on your homework.

    peace out, yo.

  5. You are wasting your time on here, google has all the information you need. Try not to be lazy and go look it up

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