
I need help with my mom!!

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k my mom has some issues with my dads side of the family. my mom and dad hav been split up for a few years now. but lately shes gotten worse with my dads side of the family. like one time probably last year my mom came to pick me up from my dads house and my grama called my dad so she quickly got the phone and started argueing with her. on my dads phone at his house. and just a month ago i got a cell phone and i added my dads gf and my dads mom (my grama) so i was about to call my grama wen i found out she wasn't on so i was going to text my dads gf because my dads phone was broken and i found out that she was off to. so i didn't know what happen till i told my dad. and he told me that my mom has went on my dads phone and taken off so many people. even his gf (girlfriend) so i remembered how much she hated her and i told my mom about it and wen i told her that i thought she took her off my list she snapped at me and said y do i always blame her? but i dont always blame her. k the deal with my mom and my dads gf is that my dads gf lied to my mom to protect me and my lil sis. long story. but it was a good safe lie. so yah now everytime she gets the chance to ruin or whreck my dads family in some way she goes for it. my mom just today or yesterday now told my dad she wants him to go to court. and i was feeling down about it. becaused if my dad loses he ows her 70000$ dollars. and my dad dont have that kind of money. but if my dad wins he gets to keep me. so i just found out on my facebook that my mom went through my dads family. i dunno if she sent them anything. but im getting pissed and i dont know what to do cuz if i blame her for it she gets pissed off and tells me im grounded or sumtin. i try not to cry sometimes during the day. its just so hard now. i can make a huge ******** list about her and what she has done. im sick of it i dont want to deal with it anymore. i need someone to talk to. what do i do? :'(




  1. if you don't want to live with your mom just tell that huge list to the judge and he would probably let you move in with ur dad  

  2. Well, first of all, I am sorry that you are in this kind of a situation.  Maybe you should try and tell your mom that she can either change or she can deal with you leaving to live with your dad. I don't really have any explanation as to why she causes trouble with your dad's side of the family, maybe she is jealous?  Or maybe you should just have your mom and dad sit down and talk to each other other like responsible, mature, civilized adults. Or try to get them to go to counseling with one another.  I hope your problem gets solved with the solution you are looking for. Good luck.

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