
I need help with my new goldfish!?

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I bought a goldfish and I have a tank that looks similar to this:

it doesnt have the pebbles or anything, i just have a couple rocks at the bottom and this plant looking thing.

Anyways all I need help on is how to change the water and what to do. I have half tap water in there, and half of the water i got when I bought it, and I haven't cleaned it yet because I don't want to kill it. How do I go about cleaning it without killing the fish? How do I get the p**p out, or does it come out?

Also, my fish has been eating bubbles at the top of the tank for awhile now and I am wondering if this it's weird ??? Help!!!!!!!! I don't want fishy to die :(




  1. i had a fish from a small traveling carnival for 3 years, and when i cleaned his/her tank, all i did was i got the water, put the chlorout stuff in it, and i let it get to room temperature. when it was, i got the fish out of his/her tank with a net, and put him/her in the new water. when the fish is in the new water, i poured out the old water and i cleaned the stuff in the tank with just water depending on how dirty it was. when i was done, i poured the new water carefully into the tank, and when there was enough, i put the fish in the water, then i poured the rest of the water in. the fish always acted a little weird after that, but he/she was always ok. and for ur bubble situation, the fishy should b fine.

  2. Okay, first of all, you cannot everrr use tap water. The chlorine in there will kill your fish. You said you did put a few drops of the chlorine stuff in your water, which is good, but you need to read the directions on the back to see how much you need to put in. It depends on the amount of water you're adding it to. Also, you should never ever mix the water you get the fish in with your tank water. That's bad news. As far as cleaning the tank, you can just net out your fish and put him along with some of the water from your tank, in a small, clean container that's big enough for him to sit in for a little while. Make sure you have enough water in there! It should completely cover him. Then you can dump out your water in the bathtub or sink and clean out all the p**p and stuff. after that, refil the bowl with water and follow the directions on the back of your chlorine killer bottle. Let it sit for a little while so the chlorine is killed thoroughly. Then you can add your decorations again and finally your fish. You can repeat this about once every other week or so, depending on how dirty your tank gets.

    I would also recommend getting an air stone (like a treasure chest or a diver that shoots out bubbles) with tubing & a pump (if you don't know what you need, ask someone at your local pet store). This will keep a good oxygen level in your tank so that your fish is healthier. It would also probably be a good idea to add rocks at the bottom. They'll help anchor your plants down. Hope this helped and best of luck with your goldfish!

  3. Oh, boy. Another goldfish in a bowl. You have a tank that looks similar to that? That's not a tank, that's a bowl.

    How much water you change depends on how many gallons or pints it is.

  4. This is how I clean my betta out, he lives in a three gallon and judging by the picture it looks like your fish is in a two gallon? Or one?

    All you may need to buy is distilled water. Distilled Water is water that's been boiled so all the harsh chemicals in it have been taken away. Here's how I do mine, I put 1.5 gallons in and my tank is three gallon. You also will need something to get the harsh chemicals out of the water, AquaSafe is perfect.

    You have a two gal. maybe, so need to put 1 gallon of distilled water in. If you have a one gallon you need to put 1/2 gallon in.

    Here's what I do.

    -Take half the water out of the tank (in your case bowl) and put it in another bowl (plastic ones at like walmart cost maybe 3 bucks.)

    -Put your fishy in the plastic bowl, this bowl can also be used as a hospital tank in case your fishy gets sick.

    -Take the bowl and dump the rock into a strainer.

    -Take the plant and put it with the rock.

    -Get a sponge and dish soap and scrub the tank. Inside and out.

    -Rinse with cold water.

    -Then rinse again with hot water.

    -Dry off.

    -Set aside, go to rock and rinse it in the strainer...turn it over and over again til you think it's clean (it may be slimy, but that's ok)

    -Rinse the plant.

    -Position the rock and plant the way you want it in the bowl.

    -Add half the bowl's gallon limit with distilled water.

    -Add the rest of the water from the tap. DO NOT USE ALL DISITILLED WATER! Believe it or not, some chemicals in tap water are good for the fish.

    -Add some AquaSafe, read the directions on the back.

    -Wait an hour.

    -After an hour is up, put your fish in a ziplock bag, or the back he came in, DO NOT seal it and put the bag in the water.

    -After 45 mins,  check the water inside the bag with the water outside the bag, if it's about the same you can add your fishy.

    -Watch him for a few minutes, and if he's thriving, move him back to his home.

    You'll have to do this every other day or every 2 days. If you can handle that, I would upgrade him to a 3 gallon tank with a bio wheel and carbon filter. It's the same process as the bowl cleaning, only you only have to do it every 2 weeks, and he'll have a little light to keep his water warm.

    I'm not sure, but he may be making a bubble nest, they do that when they are ready for breeding, also he may just be gulping air from the top of the bowl. He's fine, your fishy will be fine, sweety.

  5. your goldfish is probably eating bubbles at the surface because it has no air.

    you should never have a goldfish in a bowl, if you want it to live.

    goldfish p**p a lot so you must have a filter

    it is usually about 7 gallons for 1 goldfish

    try looking for a answer on google,

    but you could take out 50% or less and gently add in your aged and dechlorinated water (first taking out the goldie gently with a net)

    gently or the goldie could from shock

  6. a fish bowl is not good for your goldfish,u need a tank,the reason he is at the top of his "home"is because he is gasping for air,reduce the level of the water to 2/3 to increase the surface area.

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