
I need help with my older sister please..

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my older sister knows my deepest darkest secret and is always threatening to tell my parents it whenever i dont do something for her or just make her mad. so i always just suck up to her and be really nice when shes around. i could NEVER tell my parents this and she found out unbenounced to me, so its not like i wanted her to know. she is always controlling me and telling me that i shouldnt be doing what i am doing in my life. how do i get her to not tell my parents and make me stop worrying about it constantly?




  1. Perhaps you have something against her? I'm sure those secrets can't be that bad, anyway. Your parents are going to find them out eventually. Trust me, they always do.

  2. well what is it? it can't be that bad.. you'd be better off just telling your parents yourself so she has nothing to hold against you

  3. Sounds like your sister is manipulating you.  So what you need to do is go on a hunt to find out something about her in which you can hold over her head and threaten her the same way she threatens you.  I would suggest raiding her bedroom when she is not home.  I'm sure that if you look hard enough you will find something to hold against her.  Start asking questions and you will find something.  It is better to find a way to tell your parents about your secret though.  This way she can no longer hold it over your head.   You can tell your parents what she has been doing to you with this information.  Don't think your parents wouldn't be angry with her knowing how she has been extorting you.

  4. you ought to just tell your parents yourself and deal with the consequences. Trust me, it will be the best feeling of revenge ever and your sister will be very annoyed.

  5. Get some dirt on her and blackmail her back.  Since you don't feel you can tell your parents yourself, and don't want your sister telling them either, I think this'd be best.  And I know this next part might sound nuts and wont work, but seriously, communication to your sister is a good idea too.  Talk to her and tell her how bad it would ruin you if your parents knew whatever it was you're hiding from them.

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