
I need help with my overhand serves..they have no power and most of the time it gets caught in the net!!?

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Well I am having trouble with my over hand serves....I have shoulder injury on both shoulders and I can't do underhand just because I hate it more on my shoulder...I am pretty much perfect with everything...I just really want my serves to have a spin with a lot of power....please help oh I am a lefty!!




  1. I love volleyball. and i'm the same way. but my coach doesnt care which way to serve. but hit with like he palm of your hand. and hit really hard. and make sure you make a jump to help. XD

  2. Watch the US Men's indoor volleyball team and copy every single movement and action that occurs. This should equal maximum winning.

  3. Wait for what sport? also try bending knees and if you are good enough, jump higher when serving.  

  4. have a high toss. if you don't like the toss, let it fall and dont touch it. then toss it again. have your right foot (since you're a lefty) a little bit in front of your left. step with your right when you hit the ball. It gives you power. Also, hit the ball in the area in between you wrist and your palm. This also gives it power. I too have a shoulder injury (torn ligament) what i do is i try to rotate my arm 3 or  4 times before and after each serve that way I don't strain it as much. Also make sure you stretch out your arms a lot before you play so you don't make the pain worse. Hope I helped!!!

    lots of love,



    anser mine

  6. build up your upper arm muscles

    use weights and stuff

    or hit the ball against a wall to build them up

    and just keep practicing your serve

    toss high and hit hard

  7. it means trading more than just stories in means steping into the ring and showing no fear

  8. As mentioned you need to toss the ball higher....BUT  you must kick off ( jump Serve ) As a picther does when he is throwing a baseball from the mound.

    The height of the ball and the jump serve will bring speed and height to your ball. That will help you to understand the technique.

  9. well your stance should be balanced. and during a game, i always take a deep breath to calm myself from the last play so i just focus on the serve.

    hold the ball with you right hand with your left hand on top of the ball, which lets your hand take the shape of the ball. the ball should be in front of the left side of your body to avoid any mistakes in your swing.

    the ball should not be thrown so high... the reason being is the higher the throw, the more time you have to move you body which makes more likely to move around and change your position and could mess up your serve. the ball should be thrown slightly above you head.

    throw the ball in front of you also. if you throw the ball behind you, you will have to bend backwards to swing and that will cause the ball the rainbow over the net rather than straight down.

    step into you serve. after you throw the ball you should take a step into the ball, which throws your body behind the force of the ball which would make it go deeper. make sure you drag your foot as you serve to slow down your body as to make sure you don't serve the ball out.

    follow through with your serve... and make sure with your follow through you don't cross your serving are across you body...unless you want to go cross court.

    i hope i helped and didn't sound confusing. email me if you need clarification on somethings.

  10. Toss the ball higher & hit it harder (if possible with your injury).

    && also spread your fingers back so they are behind the palm of your hand. This will make your hand harder and help the ball over the net a bit more.

  11. Quit before you lose all functionality of your shoulders

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