
I need help with my paper please help?

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i have to write a 1000 word paper about

1. Loyalty to country

2. obedience to parents

3. honor friendship

4. no retreat in battle

5. in fighting choose with sense and honor

those are the five topics that have to be combined into one paper that has to be at least 1000 words any suggestions ???????????????????




  1. Do an outline with an overarching theme: personal integrity

    Start with obedience to parents and how upbringing and developing a sense of a personal code of ethics and personal integrity pervades a person's life. Discuss various aspects of how that can be fostered, etc.  

    Move to honor in friendship, then to loyalty to country (moving from micro to macro, here)

    Discuss ethics in war and battle, and how loyalty to country can be combined with loyalty to comrades (friends). What happens when the directive of "no retreat in battle" conflicts with self-preservation and/or preservation of comrades. Where does personal integrity enter in?

    Close with an argument that you must make decisions with sense and honor guided by your personal integrity;otherwise, blind obedience to orders can result in massacres, etc. -- use examples from past wars and recent current events of atrocities. Discuss duty versus integrity, etc.    

  2. The first thing you need is a coherent thesis statement that is suitable enough for your paper. If you do not know how to write a thesis, the link below will be a big help to you. I know, I use it when I have to write papers for my college classes. It will help you outline your paper and everything. Try it, it's free.

  3. WHAT? What class is this for?  

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