
I need help with my parrot's strange behavior?

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My parrot Scooter is, we believe, around 20 years old. We got Scooter several months ago, and he has his own additude. There are some thing he does that I still would like to know why he's doing it and how to prevent some of his bad behavior. For starters, his eyes get really big, the golden ring around the black part of the eye. I've heard that this is from aggrevation, but he does this while eating and when I'm talking to him, which wouldn't make him aggrevated. Also he will hang upside down on his bell toy, ring it, and do a weird head bob/jerk, then repeat. We call it his "Acrobatic Bag Lady Dance." He also hates everyone else in the family but me, how can I get this parrot to like anyone else. He sqwauks if I walk into the room for two seconds and walk back out. Any help would be most helpful. Email me at or AIM: Gmekng007 or MSN: I also have a severe missing rabbit problem, see post or ask me about it. Thanks in advance.




  1. they eye thing happends when most parrots are feeling any strong emotion. anger, happyness, playful, sad any strong emotion. then the hanging thing. sounds like he is just trying to be playful. for some reason alot of parrots do that. its like a kid at a playgym. then the bonding just to you. ALOT of species of parrots just bond to one person. the best bet to help that is take him out somewhere he isnt used to. somewhere he will be "clingy" and leave him there with someone else. more then likely he will reconize them and cling even if they arnt his favorite person. and the "acrobaric bag lady dance" parrots love to dance. and if you notice and or laugh that makes them want to dance more. as i said just like a child. parrots are ALOT like children. try to look up info on the type of bird you have. i am sure people will have simular storys and fun facts online.

  2. Eyes "pinning" is a sign of arousal.  It could be aggression, affection, sexual, excitement, or interest - you'd have to look at other signs to tell which (a flared tail also goes with many of those).

    Getting him to like other members of your family depends on his relationship with you.  Not wanting you to leave is a good start.  You need to get him to reliably step up for you (and not bite) before starting work with anyone else.  Once you can hold him and he wants to spend time standing on or near you, you can start working with other people.  There are a number of techniques you can use, depending on his behavior at that point and what kind of parrot he is, but they all depend on you establishing a good relationship with him first.

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