
I need help with my pet rat she pregnate please hurry!!!!?

by Guest57541  |  earlier

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shes pregnate and sick she wont eat and she has dihareah.she is about a month old and shes thin. please help!




  1. Why do people persist on asking questions in an emergency on here... stop playing with the internet and FIND A VET!!!!

    Use your common sense please!!!

  2. Why did you get an animal if you can't afford vet care? This animal is your responsibility now. You need to find the money to take her in to a small animal vet. Sell things, ask to borrow, whatever you have to do. You should have had money put away for pet emergencies.

    She's very young to be having babies. Impulse buys kill, please make sure you're ready for an animal before purchasing it.

    There's nothing we can do here, she needs to see a vet.

  3. You need to get her to a vet immediately!!!!!! How is she pregnant at a month old, she should still be with her mum??!!!  Where did you get the poor thing from???

  4. She is way to young to be having babies. You have to take to the vet or she will die.

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