
I need help with my relationship.

by  |  earlier

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okay tell me if im over reacting ive been with my goin out with my girl for like 6 months but ive known her for bout 3 to 4 years now. oh by the way she expecting my baby..ok there this guy she use to go out with years ago way before me n her even met and she told when we got together that she had really strong feeling for him in the begining but now she really dont see like any more...okay now this is the part i need help with i had to leave town cuz one of my family members died and she stayed home so i leave for a week .when a come back i got messages on my email and they fowarded from the guy that use to go out with and tehy all said stuff like he wrote her saying baby girl i miss you and i love and you should call me stuff like that and my girl responded him back saying basicly the same stuff when he i wish i could kiss you she me too....she also said im in love with two guys and she actually called i tell her all dat and she says dat she didnt mean it like dat .dat she meant she would alwas have love for him.and i told her bout the kiss they were talking bout and she said dat they were talking bout the past ....and she told she was goin to show all the messages but later i fall asleep and she logs on to her thing and erases most of them and i asked her if she did and she denied it all rite in my face she didnt do it,/ please tell what should do.....or if breaking up with her was a good idea???




  1. if she's having your kid, you have more of an obligation to work it out.  communication is key, maybe she needs an open relationship?  it doesnt work, at least set up rules with the child and visitation

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