
I need help with my <span title="homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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first question: How do the parts of an ecosystem work together?

second question: Why do ecosystems change over time?

third question: How do human beings affect ecosystems?

plz answer these questions as detailed as possible! thanks everyone!




  1. is it any eco system or is there one that your studying???

  2. Shut Up and let me go this hurt i tell you sooo SO SHUT UP AND LET ME GOOO !!!!!!

  3. I&#039;m sorry but, these are easy questions, Do it yourself

  4. isnt this cheating ????????????????????

    umm sorry i dont know but you could try typeing the questions in to google im sure it could help you !! xx

  5. How do the parts of an ecosystem work together?:

    The Earth is composed of both living and nonliving parts. The living parts include

    animals (consumers), plants (producers), and fungi and microscopic organisms

    (decomposers); the nonliving (abiotic) parts include the sun, water, air (gases),

    and rocks.

    2. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms that interact with each other

    and the non-living parts.

    Why do ecosystems change over time?:

    The impacts of human actions on ecosystems are often slow to become apparent. In general, people manage ecosystems in such ways that short-term benefits are increased, while long-term costs go unnoticed or are ignored. This can transfer the costs of current changes to future generations.

    Different drivers of ecosystem change take more or less time to react to changes. For example, some species might become extinct quickly when they lose their habitat, but for others, like trees, it can take centuries. This delay provides opportunities for restoring habitats and rescuing species. More...

    Most changes in ecosystems are gradual and, in principle, detectable and predictable. Other changes are more difficult to predict, because they are gradual only until they reach a certain threshold, at which large changes occur suddenly. Examples of abrupt changes include the start of epidemics, the collapse of a fish population, and bursts of algae growth. More...

    Human interventions in ecosystems make abrupt changes more likely. Loss of biodiversity, for instance, makes it more difficult for ecosystems to recover from damage. Once an ecosystem has undergone an abrupt change, recovery to the original state is slow, costly, and sometimes even impossible.

    How do human beings affect ecosystems?:

    In an ecosystem there are many food chains. An example of a food chain is: sun-&gt;plant-&gt;mouse-&gt;hawk. When human hunt the hawks the mice get over populated. That is how human effect ecosystems.

  6. 1.welll how do you think a habitat and a community work together?( a place and animals of different kinds)

    2.because theres more contamination each time duh o.o

    3.because of humans--pollution,wastes and such

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