
I need help with my violin please answer anyone!?

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Is there a website that you can go to that will teach you how to play the violin well really all i need is to learn how to read the notes and play them on the violin please tell me i want to make a great first impression for my teacher please please tell me if you know any site that doesn't make you have to sign up it is just right there on the site please tell me!




  1. Here is a website to demonstrate bowing on the violin:

    violin bow arm demonstrated

    You can also check out

    for further info.

  2. all you really need to do is be able to read music a little and know that the low string is G, the next lowest is D, the second highest is A, and the highest string is E. if you're taking lessons, your teacher isn't gonna expect you to be a virtuoso. it is okay to learn as you go.

  3. This isn't a good idea.  I am a violin teacher, and if you came to me "knowing" how to play already, I would have to spend a lot of time teaching you to play  and UN teaching wrong things you'd picked up while trying to teach yourself.  Violin is a complicated instrument, and it truly requires someone to model for you the correct position.  As a violin teacher, I think this IS a good answer, but probably not what you wanted to hear :)

    What you can learn, if you don't know already, is notes and key signatures.  That I wouldn't mind a new student already knowing because those are pretty concrete. See the link below.

    Good luck with your new teacher.

  4. Practice holding the instrument between your chin and collar bone without help from the left hand.

    That was all I practiced doing before I met my first teacher and I STILL didn't do it well enough to please her.

  5. This is probably the best online, free tutorial:

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