
I need help with my wieght! I have no motivation but want to lose weight. HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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I used to be happy with my body, and my husband couldn't keep his hand off me. Now I have two kids and i have put on about 50pounds.

I want to lose wieght, I cry about the way I look, I feel like everyone stares at me. When I talk to people, I feel like they aren't even listening, I feel like they are just looking at my fat, and thinking about how disgusting I am. I can't seem to motivate myself. I use to be so acitve and now I can hardly get off the couch to run errands. PLease help I have no self esteem and my husband has s*x with me only like 2x a month.




  1. Ok to start off, confidence is key. If you hate yourself, other people will sense that. Love yourself, and everyone else will follow! You HAVE to be confident, even if you are 50 lbs overweight!♥ Second, if you are not happy with your body, complaining sure isnt going to change it. Start exercising. Start eating healthier. Drink ONLY water, and an occasional coffee or tea if you need it. NO SODA OR JUICE!! Second, eat only lean meats, (chickn and turkey are best) and veggies and fruits. Eat brown rice instead of white rice. Eat no more than 1300 cals a day. Then, exercise. Try doing some form of cardio for 40 mins 5-6 days a week. Do squats, crunches, and small hand weights every other day, so that you dont get loose saggy skin when the fat starts to fall off. Lastly, dont get discouraged! This can take anywhere from 5-6 months to a year but its totally worth it!!!♥ Good luck hun! If you have more questions or need more tips you can feel free to email me♥

  2. o_O

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