
I need help with names for babies #4,5, and 6.

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I already have twin boys, Brody Gage and Elijah ( Eli ) Lucus (6) and a little girl Arianna Morgan (4). My husband and I tried for just one more and ended up with three. The new additions to our family are joining us October 2nd so we still have a little time. We will have 2 girls and 1 boy. here are our options..


Natalie Paige

Kinley Grace

Callie Christine

Ashleigh Erin

for boys..

Austin James

Ryan Cooper

Brett Tyler

please pick 2 girls names and 1 boys name that you like/ think would go best with my childrens names





  1. Natalie Paige

    Callie Christine (Though I like Christine Callie better.  It flows nicely.)

    Ryan Cooper

  2. I like Natalie Paige, but my second fave girl name is a little bit different from one on the list.... Maybe Kylie or Kaylie Christine.

    And for boys, I like Brett Tyler the best. It's adorable! :D

  3. I like Natalie Paige, Kinley Grace, and Brett Tyler.

  4. Natalie name is Natalie and i love it

    Kinley Grace


    Austin James

  5. i love...

    Natalie Paige


    Callie Christine

    Ryan Cooper

    ~we have the same taste in names it sounds like!

    congrats on your new bundle of joys!

  6. Oh that's great! 3 boys and 3 girls! Congratulations!!!

    I am going to mix the middle names and say Ryan James, would be my pick. And for the girls my picks would be...

    Callie Christine (that is reallly cute)


    Natalie Paige

    Good luck!!

    Oh, and PS: I wouldn't use Kinley because isn't it a type of wood or tree? And it also sounds a bit like Kidney. Just a heads up, though!

  7. Callie Christine and Ashleigh Erin for the girls.  THe little girl you already have ha a very feminine name.  Those fit nicely. Kinley isn't girly enough for the other names.

    I like Brett Tyler for the boy.  The boys you already have(great names, by the way) are masculine, no mistaking the gender.  Ryan can be used as a girls name(even though I don't think it should be) and I've met little girls named Austin(again, boy to me).  With Brett, Callie, and Ashleigh there's no confusion on which ones are which.  Congrats!!!

    Triplets, how fun!

  8. Congrats!!!! Natalie Paige, Ashleigh Erin, and Austin James.

  9. Natalie Paige and Kinley Grace and Austin James sound good

    Please Pick me as Best Answer i have no points!

  10. I think Natalie Paige

    Callie Christine

    and Ryan Cooper are the best also Ryan Austin

  11. Natalie Page and Kinley Grace

    Austin James

    hope this helps

  12. Natalie Page

    Ashleigh Erin

    Brett Tyler

  13. natalie paige ( good choice by the way), kinley grace (different yet cute) and austin james ( i love that)

    u have really good name choices

  14. Natalie Paige.

    Callie Christine.

    Austin James.


  15. wow that's amazing.

    Kinley Grace is pretty, maybe even Callie Page.

    I just adore the name Brett Tyler =)

    Good luck and God bless !

  16. Kinley Grace

    Callie Christine

    Ryan Cooper (if you changed it around to Cooper Ryan they all would have that k/c sound at beginning of their names)


  17. Natalie Paige, Kinley Grace, and Ryan Cooper (I'd call him Cooper, personally).

    That way you don't have any with the same first letter (I like all of them to have the same first letter [Austin and Allison] or none).

    Congrats on your happy family!

  18. Kinley Grace  and Natalie Paige

    Ryan Cooper

  19. I actually think these names aren't good enough for the nice ones your other children have! I would change them a tad bit to fit in a bit more... You have a frilly name for your daughter, so I think your other two daughters should have frilly names, too.

    Natalie ---> Natalia

    Kinley  ---> Kiera

    Callie   ---> Calla, Calantha, Camilla

    Ashleigh -> Alana, Aubrey, Audrey

    My Top 3 Choices for Girls:

    Natalia Paige

    Camilla Christine

    Kiera Grace

    Except for Austin, I love your boys' names! I pick Brett Tyler and Ryan Cooper. Congrats!!!

  20. Oh my gosh.  Congrats.  Here are the names I like the most  Austin, Natalie and Callie.  You might like this site for triplets

  21. Congrats! I would go with Natalie Paige and Kinley Grace, I love both of those names!!! I would use Brett Tyler for the little boy, I just like that name the best out of the list. Good luck! : )

  22. Personally I like: Natalie Paige, Ashleigh Erin, and Ryan Cooper

  23. Ryan Cooper

    Ashleigh Erin

    Natalie Paige

    (these are the best life long, respectable adult names)

  24. Natalie Paige and Ashleigh Erin


    Ryan Cooper

  25. I really don't like Brett Tyler, Sorry, sounds like a football player.  

    I LOVE Natalie Paige and Kingly Grace.  They are super cute.  Callie sounds like a Dog's name, but its pretty I guess.

    For boys I love Ryan Cooper. So cute.  Austin James is ok, but Cooper is such as cute boy name.  

  26. i like Callie Paige, or Kinley Paige, or Ashley Grace.

    Ryan Cooper sounds nice, but cooper sounds like a last name, so i would go Cooper Ryan

  27. Natalie Paige, Kinely Grace, Austin James

  28. I think Natalie Paige and Kinley Grace flow together really well with your other childrens names.  Even though my name is erin, Ashleigh Erin is not my favorite.  For the boys I would say Austin James sounds the best.  I have 8 month old twin boys and could not imagine being pregnant again and finding out I was having triplets.  Good luck.

  29. I really like

    Natalie Paige, Kinley Grace, and Austin James

  30. Natalie Paige, Kinley Grace and Ryan Cooper -

    Great choice of names!

  31. I LOVE Natalie Paige and Ashleigh Erin!

    Ryan Cooper is a really cute name!

    Good luck and congrats!

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