
I need help with off ice training (hockey).?

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Im 14, 5'6", 120 lbs. I play AAA hockey(defence man). I am weight training four times a week. Also my team is on the ice once a week during the summer. Im looking for some workouts that i could do at home. eg. quickfeet, lateral movement, explosive stride, and core stability exersizes. Thanks




  1. For quick feet, put a skipping rope or a stick on the floor, back and forth jumping over it with 2 feet for 30seconds as hard as possible.

    For lateral movements, do some crossovers/grapevines, 30 steps each way, as fast as possible, s***w up, start again.

    explosive stride, go outside, practice some sprints, just the take offs, only need to go like 20ft., make sure to work glutes, as those help with that.

    core stability - plank, get a swiss ball, kneeling on a swiss ball while watching tv.

    also, be sure to add stretching to your daily routine, especially your hip flexors/hip adductors as those are the most common muscles for a hockey player to pull.

  2. Sprints outside in the heat with a weighted jacket, or your pads.

    Get into pilates

    Learn to juggle while reading a book, seriously.

    Stay off the video games.

  3. well during the off season i know that i use a special trainer. he is at the ice rink i go to and is really good. I take the speed and agility class twice a week and it works pretty good. Im not sure that helped you but i am just letting you know what i do in the off season to keep in shape

  4. sure its lame and boring, but going for a good 4 or 5 mile run a couple days a week would help you out a lot.

  5. sure just keep what your doing keep weight training keep running so maybe go for a jog on a treadmill, bicycle. Do push ups exercise your calf muscles. And remember also being healthy and having enough exercise everyday can help with your training too that means that at the age of 14 you should also eat smart don't eat as much junk. having a healthy life style can also make you more fit for hockey. i taught my son proper nutrition he has become a great hockey player he is 13 and he can stay on the ice longer when he needs to be doubled shifted. you can also try different sports and use those skills you learned in those sports in hockey for example with kicking skills in hockey you can use your skates to kick the puck up to your skates and then shoot when you fall out of position is when you should try to use the kick up to stick to shoot. that skills most russians have when playing hockey i remember Valery Kharlamov did that against Canada and almost scored. For balance you can do this old soviet drill. you put on your skates and stand on one leg when your skates are on then hop this takes a lot of practice so try little hops first and this is little dangerous to cause you can get a twisted ankle if not careful but in the end you would be able to skate like a Kharlamov or a maltsev and all those fantastic players. Also go to your public library and get the book by Lloyd Percival it shows you how to practicse and probably have some drills you can do to inprove your game.

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