
I need help with program written in Visual Basic 6. It will not runs fine on 3 xp computer but not another!

by  |  earlier

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When I run the program I get the error:

failed to load control 'MFDatePicker' from Cal.ocx. Your version of Cal.ocx may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application

I copied the cal.ocx from the other working computer and registered it but it still will not work. Can someone help?

I am not a programmer.. Please help!




  1. I would suggest unregistering the previous Cal.ocx, delete it, copy the new one, and then re-register it.  

    Try these steps:

    1) Go to Start -> Run; type in, regsvr C:\WINDOWS\System32\Cal.ocx /u

    2) Delete C:\WINDOWS\System32\Cal.ocx

    3) Copy the working Cal.ocx to C:\WINDOWS\System32\Cal.ocx

    4) Go to Start -> Run; type in, regsvr C:\WINDOWS\System32\Cal.ocx

    **Note! Your filepath to Cal.ocx may be different.

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