
I need help with running...

by  |  earlier

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For volleyball we had to run twenty laps in the gym which was the equivelant to a mile, Im kind of out of shape and I really felt it while running, tomorrow we have to run a mile, so how do I not get very tired?




  1. At this point, it's a tad late ): Only thing you can do is pace yourself better. You could do some running of your own when you don't have practice. It'll help in the long run. No pun intended.

  2. It has to be in you to do it, but always keep doing something that will keep you moving.

    Like run for about four blocks and run back home,

    Do things that will make your legs stronger like standing up and lifting your body weight up on the balls of your feet about 50 times 2 times a day.

    It's also important to get upper body strength, that way while your running and your arms are going it will help you legs keep a rhythm.

    Me I get a beat in my head and I just go with it, try to keep your breathing simple, in your nose and out your mouth, don’t breathe so fast it will really make you tired fast.

    Long strides, strength those legs out so that your legs don’t start to hurt so fast.

    While your running don’t ball your fists up try and act like you have a chip in your hand that you don’t want to break but you don’t want to drop it either.

    Don’t run flat footed and try not to bounce so much, relax the shoulders.

    It really helps if you strength before you run that way your a little flexible and your body is able to move easier.

    Don’t try and speed, don’t worry about anyone passing you up until you get use to running, just find your own pace and stick with it.

    I usually look at the ground while I run and watch the ground move

    Under my feet, it helps me to move a little faster and try to keep more energy at the same time.

    My coach always told me that about the time you get to the 100 meter mark or in your case if your not on a track just try to know when your about to stop and if you started at a corner try to sprint the whole wall before you get back to your starting area, that way your body will always get that extra bit of energy at the end, just like at a game when everyone is getting tired you will have a little kick of energy left over.

    Don’t talk while your running, maybe there will be girls playing around next to you but if you really want to be on your A-GAME just ignore then and stay focused on you.

    Hope I helped!

  3. Well you just pace yourself and it'll get easier and you'll get done faster.

  4. You can try slowing down your pace. That might help.

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