
I need help with saving!?

by  |  earlier

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see Im 14 and next year I wish to go to France as a student exchange it costs alot of money and I trying to save, I got my parents to take away my keycard but how do I get money for when I go out? it may sound stupid but Im having trouble without my money please help!!




  1. Busking.  Sell your surplus  --clothes, books, trinkets.

    Grow something and sell the harvest e.g. herbs, flowers, veges.

    Offer to do extra around the home for bonus pocket money (wash and polish car, babysitting, clean windows, clear out garage).  Put money away in sock drawer you have to hunt for it---maybe the urge to spurge will pass while you go on the hunt.

    Compare prices and wait a overnight before buying.

    Form a habit of putting change into a jar/aside.

    Cut back on sweets, drinks, gum.

    Make a list of costs you wish need to cover to go to France (airfare, insurance, luggage, tips, meals, fares, museum fees, gifts, postcards, spare cash)

  2. Open an online savings account where it is slower to get your money out to reduce sudden splurges. You can also earn really good interest at the same time. Have a look at it offers a great interest rate. I have been with them quite a while now and it has been great.

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  4. Work at McDonalds

  5. you will have to make alot of scrafices, it will be hard for you especially if you are used to blowing money.  but it will help you to learn to manage your money for your future not only for this trip to france.

    cut out all un-needed spending, eat at home, don't shop, work more ect....

  6. You need to make hard decision's.  Put yourself on a tight budget, than every Monday get your weekly spending allowance from the bank (go to the teller and do a withdrawal).  Once this money is gone it's gone for the week and you will need to do without until the next week.  

    In the end once you learn how to budget and save it will help you a lot in the future.

    Have a great time in France

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