
I need help with some paranormal powers?

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i know i have powers, its just i cant particularly control them, ive created several blackouts here and there even. i was just wondering if anyone ahd any tips if theyve mastered this stuff. please, i beg people not to go and make fun of what i am writing here, that will really make me upset.




  1. I would definitely not make fun of you. But I would question your reasons why you think you have paranormal powers. To date, nobody in this world has ever been able to demonstrate paranormal powers. Many have tried and all have failed, so you'd be the first. You say you've created several blackouts -- were you trying to use telekinesis to create an electrical blackout and it happened? Well, that would be rather exciting if you can do that, but are you totally sure it wasn't coincidence? I would encourage you to be open-minded to the possibility that you may have had nothing to do with the blackouts at all.

    But if are convinced you have the power, my advice would be to start small and with a set-up where coincidence can be eliminated. Using your powers try to move a feather or a piece of tissue housed in a clear closed container (to remove air currents). Once you can do that, apply for the James Randi $1 million (see link). After that, the world is your oyster.

    If you find you can't do this, as all others before you have found as well, don't be discouraged. You're only human. :)

  2. my daughter died in a hospital during a blackout.


  3. you need to learn how to canalize your anger and bad temper

    after that,you will be  better self-controlled

  4. SLI typically happens unvolunteeraly. People that feel they have that SLI ability, usually feel associated to the event but are not able to predict it or make it happen on demand.

    Saying you did it after the fact is just not good enough.

    If you get really mad, could you put Hillary Clinton in the cornfield please.

  5. I would recommend for you to take up meditation.

    this is an easy way to get them under control. It may take a few months to a few years to train your mind.

    I wrote a Zen brochure, and posted it to my blog January 8th on Yahoo 360.

    There are other types of meditation. Vippissana, Trancendental meditation, Actualism meditation, etc.

    Try different ones until you find one that appeals to you.

  6. I concur that people should not make fun of you.  I am of the opinion however, that you are mistaken.  It is a common result of our evolution to mistake correlation with causation.  Those who do so readily are more likely to survive and procreate than those who don't.  For example, a person who sees a friend drop dead after being bitten by a snake and therefore avoids snakes is less likely to be killed by a poisonous snake in the future.  The friend may have died of natural causes coincidentally after being bitten by a non-venemous snake, but the correlation has been made, thus snakes are avoided.

    To your question, here comes the science.  You have observed a phenomena: Blackouts occur around you.  There are at least two possible explanations for this. 1. You have supernatural powers. 2. Blackouts have occurred randomly in your presence but would have had you been there or not.

    On the surface it would appear that both explanations are valid, so which should we believe?  This is where Occam's razor comes in to play.  I put it to you.

    1. No hard evidence for supernatural powers has yet been observed

    2. There are numerous known causes of blackouts, and they occur regularly.

    In our two previous explanations, the first would require a new argument unknown to science - that supernatural powers exist.  The second argument can be explained as coincidence using existing knowledge.

    Therefore if one argument relies on existing observable knowledge, and the other explanation for the same phenomena requires the addition of a new phenomena such as supernatural powers, then the "coincidence" explanation is more likely to be correct.

    Many scientific discoveries have been made by people observing a phenomena such as you have, designing an experiment to prove their theory, and that experiment failing, thereby proving an alternate theory.  You must be open minded enough to change your mind based on the weight of observable evidence and not just some anecdotal evidence which may not be statistically robust (i.e. coincidences).

  7. I won't sit hear and tell you that you don't have powers because i do not know you and your abilities. i can say that only you know what you have and do not have.

    you didn't come hear to hear people put you down but rather your seeking guidance.

    With any control exercises you have to keep in mind to do things simple. Do not try and control anything major at first.

    I do not know what powers you have or which ones your talking about but we will use as an example causing black outs. Don't try and black out an entire town but focus on a single room. This is called fine tuning because with all control has to be fine tuning and this takes focus.

    it is like moving an object. you don't start by moving a brick but rather a penny. after you move the penny you make the penny flip then you make it spin until you done everything to the penny that can be done then you go a size larger and continue and work yourself up to that brick.

    It is called baby stepping and it is the only sure way to gain complete control.

    Good luck.

  8. grow up

  9. First of all, it's important to remember that it's not a "power" but a "gift". A gift when received with gratitude can then be used with love to help others. Yours seems to be energy related, I would look into Reiki to start. That will help you work through any issues you may have and help you to be a clear channel for the energy.

  10. Yes the way you can control these powers will take years to learn (for most) But it's simply practicing to control your thoughts and emotions. A power within you makes these things happen. Its a natural ability that arises in some more than others. There are test happening in Science now to determine if this is genetic.  Your job is only to try to use it for the good of all life on this planet. Your mind and thought force have to be guided with your feeling and energy! I can only list books that have helped me and many others.... good luck!

    Infinate self- by Stuart Wilde

    Sixth Sense - by Stuart Wilde

    Power of the mind to heal - Joan Borysenko

    Spontaneous fulfillment of desire- Depak Chopra

  11. I'm on medications for my delusions. Some are just boring abductions with implants etc. Others are typical rides to different bases here and there. Ho-hum...........Dude? Where's my UFO?

  12. meditation might help try doing mind exersise play with it good luck

  13. There are no such things as paranormal powers. Anyone who claims otherwise is either a con man or self-deluded.

    It is easy to persuade yourself that something that happened to you coincidentally was controlled by a paranormal power

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