
I need help with some wording - I need another way of saying "making up for the problems that have been caused

by  |  earlier

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The whole sentance is:

I would also like to offer you, as previously agreed, the X's free of charge as a gesture of goodwill, and I hope that this goes someway towards making up for the problems which have been caused.

I dont like the phrase making up but cant think how to reword it




  1. Hope this compensates for the problems you have experienced.

  2. I would also like to offer you, as previously agreed, the X's free of charge as a gesture of goodwill, and I hope that this goes someway towards redemption on my part.

  3. and I hope this act of redemption/compensation will rectify the situation and re-inforce our commitment to you as our valued customer.

  4. Take this and shut it?

  5. This is what I would say or write:

    As previously agreed, the x's free of charge, as a gesture of goodwill. I would like to let you know I sincerly apologize for any inconvinience this may have caused, And I look forward to doing business with you again in the future.

  6. Instead of "Making up for" try "resolving"

  7. As previously agreed  I would like to offer you, free of charge, the X's, not only as a gesture of good will  but with the hope that in some way you will be compensated for any inconvenience you've incurred.

  8. ' i hope those goes someway to alleviate any unwanted resentment'

  9. resolution of problems that occurred.

  10. make up for your troubles that  you have been caused

  11. Personally I would go with Sue-ella's version, compensate etc, sounds best to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. ...goes someway to compensating you for the problems that you have encountered.

  13. restitution / recompense for the inconvenience

    makes amends for problems experienced

    compensates for the inconvenience caused

  14. Sounds alright to me

  15. ... hope that will finally shut you up. But don't push your luck. Or I'm gonna send the boys around.

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