
I need help with something....?

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if you know me then i dont have to tell my story but for those who dont know me, first of, let me start by saying hello <(^_^<), anywho my story goes like this, my name is Jamie )it's really James) im a 17 year old transexual and school is starting up soon, im going to be a senior, but i dont know if i should go back to school like before or how i am now, what do u think i should do? pants, or skirt? (BTW, my school is cool on the whole transexual thing, so i wouldent get in trouble with any of the teachers.)




  1. I would do whatever makes you comfortable. If you are more comfortable wearing the skirt, then by all means wear the skirt. If it starts &#039;trouble,&#039; then it&#039;s not your problem that people are;s theirs. Best wishes.  

  2. i would go to school as a woman since that&#039;s what your dress as now. being comfortable in your own skin is all that matters. of course people may make fun of you or try to hurt your feeling but i promise you that your courage might just inspire someone : )

  3. As long as you feel safe then you should wear whatever makes you happy, You may want to contact the school ahead of time and let them know your situation juss so they have a heads up and can keep a safe on you because high school kids can be very cruel  

  4. If you feel that you are ready to start living life as Jamie then I say go ahead &amp; do it.  But if you aren&#039;t then don&#039;t just make sure that you are ready.

  5. Please go back to school what ever way make you the happiest and the most comfortable. If a skirt makes you happier then were it. Just do what makes you ecstatic!!!!!!!!!

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