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when is call of duty 4 bonus mode coming out?

in metal gear solid 4 what is your favorite gun? mine is the mosin gun

should i get fallout 3?

which version of cod5 do you think is better this time? i think the ps3 version is going to be better then the xbox 360?





  1. I like the AK47 and the m4 and the Barret 50cal those are the only guns I use.

    Mgs4 it's the MK12 cause it has more bullets.

    Yeah fallout 3 is gonna be cool it's gonna has 200 different endings.

  2. In MGS4 I love my modified M4 and .50 sniper rifle.

    As for Fallout 3 - it's a must have. Previous games were successful. Developer (Bethesda softworks) is very good, famous for it's good RPG line of games. It's a must-have.

    COD5 - I don't expect a lot from this game. It's made by a bad developer (Treyarch - authors of uninteresting COD3). Legendary COD2 and COD4 were made by Infinity Ward. Right now they are working on COD6. COD5 is a multiplatform, so it'll look more or less the same on both consoles.

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