
I need help with something urgently please open me?

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I think my friend could be anorexic, her sister who is also my friend said she was eating Cotton wool the other day, she has gotten SO thin, SO fast, I'm worried she might die. She never eats anything and nobody else seems to be concerned.

What should i do, please help me!!!




  1. Have you tried telling her about the amazing prices of cotton woll nowadays. I swear, they're 35% off in Asda. As for Morisison- Well, what can I say?

  2. Eating cotton is a dangerous diet fad. There is a medical condition called Pica, but it sounds like she's trying to be thin, not compulsively eating non-nutritive substances.  Although eating cotton is not necessarily fatal, it can still lead to severe gastrointestinal problems. Gastric blockages and even internal infection (remember cotton crops are sprayed with chemicals that are unsafe for human consumption) can occur if too much cotton is routinely ingested in a short space of time. On a less serious note, cramps, gas and constipation can also occur.

    I would contact a professional for advice on the best way to address this situation, like the National Eating Disorders Association or or or or

  3. I suggest you tell her to visit the doctor immediately! if you dont my reasearch tells me she would only have about two more months to live if she doesnt get help immediately.

  4. Talk to her parents about it.  Your friend may get mad at you for telling her parents, but what would you rather have?  A friend thats mad at you but gets help, or a dead one?

    Sometimes as friends we need to do the right thing no matter what.  And the right thing for you to do is tell her parents so she can get the help she needs.

  5. Talk to an adult.  Tell them your concerns, she may have to be hospitalized and don't fear that she will hate you because you may safe her life.

  6. she obviously is then.

      Take her to a doctor, they will help her as much as they can. Probably get a councilor as well.

       Just keep telling her positive things and always try and persuade her to eat.


  7. People become anorexic when they stop eating because they think they're too fat. I'd try telling her she looked better before, but my real advice to you is to talk to her first and see whats up. If she really is anorexic then you need to get her some help. I would try to find a doctor of some sort who could at least point you in the right direction of a nutritionist, even if it's just the school nurse. Explain to your friend why she needs medical attention right now. If she doesn't eat, she'll collapse. I'm glad you're concerned about your friend. If you help her before it gets too bad then she'll be just fine :)

  8. Tell her mother.


    If she is eating cotton, should could die (quite literally).

    Call now.


  9. confront her about the issue.

  10. Don't only just talk to her, but her family also.

  11. That person should DEFINITELY see a doctor. Or get someone 2 help.

  12. get her help and make sure she knows that your there for her.

  13. get her help from a doctor fast

  14. I had a friend who was going down the path of anorexia also, and what I did was start telling her she was WAY too skinny, and I got all of her/our friends to tell her the same thing.  After a couple weeks of it she started eating again, not a lot but more than she did. She gradually started eating normal again.  Now she's gained back some of the weight she's lost and we make sure to always tell her how good she looks.

    Good luck with your friend.  I wish her the best.

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