I have soccer tryouts in a few weeks and I KNOW I am not going to make it. I am going to be a sophmore and there are only 6 spots on the team this year. So I have to go up against seniors, juniors, and the new freshman. I am not that great at soccer to begin with. So I pretty much gave up trying to get ready. Except my family pretty much Makes me tryout for these sports. I don't want to try out because I have no hope at all. Please don't say you can do anything, because I will not make this team. It is just the facts, and I am fine with it. But anyway, I don't want to try out anymore, but If i say that to my parents then they will yell at me and so will my brother, who is also trying out and will make it because he is perfect. And by the way, I will just embarase myself like I have at all of the school tryouts. Please help, what should I do?