
I need help with starting a radio station at my school?

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Its for my senior project and I'm trying to start a radio station at my school. Can someone give me some advice on what i should do?




  1. First poll the students! Find out if they want a radio station and if they do what kinds of things do they want to hear on it. Then plan a schedule based on what your public wants. Then get a volunteer form out and list the schedule and the jobs you need people for. Once you get the positions and get the positions filled figure out a budget and cost for running the station and to keep it going. Are you going to use advertising? Fund raising? How are you going to pay for this? Once you have all the information for it, present it to your student council and principal for approval, have a couple of teachers who are for it to back you up also! Have all your information available before you present so you can be prepared! Good luck!!

  2. You did not indicate where you are from.  In the United States (and most other countries) a radio station that actually sends a signal over the air (as opposed to internet radio) must be licensed by the FCC or other appropriate authority.  This takes time and money.  Try the FCC web site, at  and the site at  GO up one level for all sorts of stuff to  Good luck.  that's how I got my start in school radio.  It might be easier to take it a step at a time that is with an internet or closed circuit station in the school first, then expand later on.  Drop me a line if I can help more.

  3. try planning out topics for a few months in advance, get a teacher sponsor, and talk to your guidance conc.

  4. Write a letter proposal to the principal. Contact him a couple of days later or wait for him to talk to you.

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