
I need help with story ideas , my mind keeps on going blank.?

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I love writing . But i cant ever find a good idea for a story . i know the title i want the story to have , Bitter Sweet Darkness . But everytime i start coming up with a storyline for it i just go completly blank . I want it to be a dark story . Vampires. werewolves? idk lol . But i need help with ideas for it . I also need help with character names . i like exotic and darker sounding names . If you have any suggestions please respond.




  1. First of all, if it is your story, no one but you should have a say in what is in it.  It is your baby.

    Second of all, love the title.  It's perfect for a vampire story.

    Third of all, I wouldn't do vamps and wolfs, it would be too much like twilight.  The title could be about anything.  Here's what I do when I write.  I forget the title, because if I don't I always find myself getting writer's block and never getting what I want on the paper on the paper.  After you've forgotten the title, just be free with yourself.  Just write down every idea of glimpse of the story you get.  Don't worry about making them fit together.  Just write them down.  After you have a considerable amount of ideas down.  (At least 5.)   Go back and read through everything.  Then look at all of your ideas and find the similarities in them.  After you do that, I would sit down with a printed out sheet of your ideas and on some notebook paper write down what you want to do with your story.  It can include character maps, outlines, actual scenes, whatever will help you.  Now, go back and write out your outlines and scenes and characters on a seperate document.  Then tie it all together on another word document and write your story.  Just keep writing, and every once in awhile go back and read through what you've written and edit.  Editing is a writer's best friend, next to their boyfriend the computer.

    As for the names, just use generic and easy names to spell when you write it out, later on you can always go back and change them.  It's easier to write bob instead of William or Skye when you're thinking of an idea and have to write it down quickly because its already leaving your mind.  The same goes for mary in place of Jezebel or Sheba.

    You have a really great idea, and I know I have a lot of ideas, whether they are great, that is a completely different thing.  Anyway, I would love to see where this goes, and maybe we could help each other with stories we are writing.  E-mail me at

  2. Write your own story.  I have a lot of ideas for stories and just that title spurred 2 or 3 more.  But I write my stuff, I don't give it to someone else to write.  You say that you love writing, so just write free form for a while and see what comes to you.  A HUGE part of being a writer is being able to come up with your own ideas.  If you are always going to be trying to weasel ideas out of others, I would suggest not quitting your day job.

  3. Well, you know what I've always thought? People have SOOOO many books on vampires, but werewolves have never really had a whole book to themselves. I started a poetry series on werewolves and everyone seemed to like it, so I think people would be eager to read it.

    Another idea that literally JUST popped into my head is writing a book about fallen angels. I really can't help you with the plot right not, but I think that would be really cool.

    Hey, email me any time and we can discuss some of your ideas, or names, or whatever. I would really love to help you with this. It would be really fun. My email is

  4. Hmm maybe the plot could be this evil immortal clan (not vampires) are hunting down a boy that supposely have powers beyond anything on this planet but what they failed to realized that this boy was a dark lord, one of the strongest living thing around that could create h**l for them.

    If you want a dark story, make the characters seem dark and the book will look like it's a dark story itself.

    It's best if you brainstorm the whole thought of what you want in this story then grab a pen and a paper/book and start writing away. Imagine your story as a movie, many other authors do this and BAM! They have their story written in their minds.

    Start off writing by hand first till you have a firm idea how this story is going to go then move onto your computer and shutdown all internet/msn/things that won't help with you. You may use your music to help.


    Girls: Ingrid, Saphire, Narissa, Gretal, Odette (lol it seems dark), Sophira.

    Boys: Nathanial, Lucas, Victor, Les, Jules, Gabriel.

    I dunno if this help much...but if you want, there are many baby naming sites that really do help.

    Good luck with your story and I hope you enjoy writing it.

  5. You could also go "dark" with things like murder/betrayal.

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