
I need help with teething baby!?

by Guest64435  |  earlier

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My daughter 7 months has just started teething, today she was really fussy and her rectal temperature was 102.7 so I gave her some Infant Motrin and baby Orajel for the pain. An hour later I took it again and it was 101.3, is it normal for her temp to be so high. What are some ways to help her deal with it, she keeps waking up in pain.




  1. its normal to get a fever while teething. It sound like the motrin is working, so keep doing that and try to keep cool cloths around for the forehead, a few quick warm baths are nice, other than that lots of snuggles and story time is sometimes all they can get for comfort

  2. call nurse direct... i personally think thats way to high to be just from teething maybe an ear infection teething usually just runs a low grade fever... i totally think u should get it checked out even after motrin it should have gone down more than that

  3. Even my children who had problems teething, never woke up from the pain.  I was told by a nurse you can alternate tylenol and motrin for pain every 3-4 hours.  I don't think it's teething, you should call a doctor.  

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