
I need help with telling my parents I'm bisexual

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Okay well I am 14 and I like guys and girls and all my friends know but the thing is my mom is a druggy and thinks g*y and all them should die and my dad is a pill popping loser who is all into this god stuff and i wont to tell them that i am BI but the thing is i dont even beilive in god. I really have no clue how to tell them this i am just scared the will not accept and throw me out on the streets like they did with my cousin: ( plz sumone help me




  1. Dude, you are only 14 and I don't think you need to make any major declarations about your sexuality at this point.  Why don't you just give yourself a few years to become more comfortable with yourself and then you can tell them on your terms and without the fear of repercussion...just a thought.      

  2. Your parents sound a bit awful! I don't even think telling them will change anything. I see nothing wrong with g**s, bisexuals and so on. I just don't think your parents are going to be okay with it. Why even tell them if it will just start a huge fight?

  3. Dont even tell them right now because if your parents are like that they probably will do something drastic.

    my advice is to wait until you are older and are about to leave the house before you tell them

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