
I need help with this !!! PLEASE thanks x*x

by  |  earlier

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my mom walked out on me and my dad when i was a couple of months old. That was 15 years ago. Now, she wants to meet me. Should i meet her or, should i shun her the way she shuned me ? i need advise on this. My dad said it's up to me but, i need more opinions. Thanks x*x




  1. i would meet her, but ask her why she walked out on you. tell her that you really didnt know whether to meet her or not and tell her how you dont like the fact that she walked out on you.

  2. i think you should meet her. you may not know the reason why she left you guys. ask her why and just catch up. just because she left you doesnt mean she's a horrible person.

  3. well i say you sould meet her bcuz she is still your mother.


  4. i say meet hey hear her reason for leaving you do not need to make a part of ur life but at least know who she is, you might even end up having a mom againg but thats up to u if u want to bring her to ur life, but i do say meet her. even if she walked out on u, be the better person

    good luck

  5. dont g and meet her it was her falt for walkin out on u

  6. see her. she would be crushed if you didn't. she probably already feels bad.  if you see her you are helping yourself in doing the wright thing and youre mom.

  7. do what you want to do.

    but you arn't going to get anywhere in life if you can't learn to forgive.

    it took me a while to figure that out.

    i've been through a lot too, and nothing started helping me until i learned to forgive the people in my life that hurt me.

    i think the real question is.. do you want to meet her?

    if you want to meet her, go for it. every person deserves to know their mother and at least try to accomplish a relationship.. even if its an acquaintance.  

  8. Meet her, and if need be forgive her, better late than never. Now it's your turn, will you walk out now on her?, you shouldn't, we all need forgiveness daily. If families didn't forgive each other daily they wouldn't be families.

  9. My mother did the same to our family.  There were 8 children ranging in age from 6 months old to 16 years old.  I was 3 years old when she left.  My dad raised us.  He never remarried.

    I did not see my mother until I was a teen ager.

    I never called her mom or mama but Mother.  You have to have earned the right to be called mom or mama.  Mother is who gave birth to you.  I was glad to see her and to get to know her.  I forgave her because I think people should always forgive others.  None of us is perfect and we all make mistakes.  The whole family forgave her.  She didn't have to ask for our forgiveness we forgave her because we wanted to.

    When her second husband died, my brothers and sisters watched over her and cared for her. Carried her meals to her.  My daddy let her second husband be burried in our family plot.  My mother is burried next to him.

    My father, two brothers and a sister are burried there also.  

    Don't shun your mother, there has already been to much hurt.  I can honestly say that I loved my mother even before I met her.  Because I wanted a mother to love and she was the only one I had.

    when I did meet her, we hugged each other and she told me how good it was to see me.  We never talked about her leaving us.  That was over, we had a new begening and that was all that mattered.

    My father always loved my mother that is why he never remarried.  He never said one bad thing about her to any of the children.  

    He died at the age of 84.  Mother was 90 when she died.  They never remarried.

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