
I need help with this Principles of Management riddle, please?

by Guest21418  |  earlier

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1. Been and fellow investor Buffet are short-sellers' newest clients

2. Helen purchased twice as many shares as investor Ellison, whose order wasn't the last of the 5 on Friday

3. Investor Schwab, who isn't Michael, bought 3000 shares of Exxon stock

4 Investor Gates placed a purchase order earlier in the morning than Cynthia did; Gates bought 1500 few shares than Cynthia

5. Icahn's order was placed earlier than Ben's was

6. Michael placed his order immediately after the Buffet order;Michael bought 2500 fewer shares than Buffet did

7 Jack placed his order immediately before investor Icahn's did; Icahn bought 1250 more shares of Exxon than Jack did.

Of the 5 orders, 2 of the orders were 250 shares apart in shares purchased; all othr # of shares purchased differed by more than 250 shares.

I need each investors full name , the # of shares he or she purchased, and the order 1st-5th in which the orders were placed. Any l help is appreciated. I have no clue where tostart.




  1. somebody had a job to do, nobody wanted to do it, anybody could have done it, thus the job never got done!

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