
I need help with this assignment please?

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John Steinbeck's

The pearl ok i have to this assignment and its the three levels of reading so can you give me a question that's level one it can be answered explicity by facts contained in the text or by information accessible in other resources and another question that are textually implicit requiring analysis and interpretation of specific parts of text

and another question that are more open ened and go beyond the text they are intended to provoke a disccussion of an abstract idea or issue




  1. i don't know

  2. ive never read the book but the first question should be something like

    what was the main characters first action of the day

    or what is one of the characters habits

    somethign that can be answered easily

    the next one sounds like it should be soemthing liek

    what do u htink the characters reasoning was for doing this

    or what is the author trying to prove when he uses this passage in the book

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